Religion and Philosophy of the Padma - Purana
Price: | Rs.250.00 |
Detail Of Religion and Philosophy of the Padma - Purana
ISBN | 8170811902 |
Pages | 616 |
Language: | English |
Product Code: | 1 |
Size(in cm): | 5.6"X 8.6" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1100(approx) |
Foreword v-vi
Preface vii-viii
Introduction I-Lxii
Importance of the Puranas: the term 'Purana' and its antiquity: Characteristics of the Puranas, Number of the Puranas and Place of the Padmapurana: text of the Padma purana -two divisions (Twofold character- Brahmaite and Vaisnative): Date of the Padma purana: Scheme of the present work.
Part A -Religious Sects
Introductory i-vii
Chapter 1 : Vaisnavism 1-101
General Background : Vaisnavism in the Padmapurana: Visnu: Vasudeva: Narayana: Vasudeva-Krsna: Rama: Description etc.: Other Appellations: Consort :Abode : Theory of Avatara : Purpose and Nature of the Avataras: Number of the Avataras- Matsya Kurma varaha Nrsimha, Vamana, Parasurama, Rama Krsna Buddha and Kalkin: Theory of Vyuha. Vaisnva-Rituals: Importance of Rituals in Religion: Characteristics of a Vaisnava: Modes of Worship to be practiced by a Vaisnava: Repeating mantras: Dvadasadha-Sudhi: Pancasamskara Ritual: Mediums of worship- Salagrama- worship, Image-worship.
Chapter 2: Saivism 102-135
General Background; Saivism in the Padmapurana: Rudra-Siva : Rudra as an Agent of Creation : Eight Forms: Rudras: Epithets: Description etc. : His Family : Skanda: Ganesa: Ganas of Siva- Nandi, Kirttimukha. Saiva- Rituals: Importence of Siva's worship: Rudraksamala: Mantra: Use of Bhasman: Siva- Linga Form of Worship.
Chapter 3: Ganesa and the Ganapatya Sect 136-141
General Background: Ganesa in the Padmapurana- His Origin Names of Ganesa. Worship of Ganesa.
Chapter 4: Saktism 142-160
General Background: Sakti in the Padmapurana: Twofold Nature of Sakti- Benevolent and Malevolent : Sakti associated with Siva and Visnu: Matrkas: Yoginis: Saivi Goddesses- Ksemankari, Sivaduti, Vindhyesavri (Nisa) , Candi (Camunda, Candika) Kalyani, Jambhaka, Gauri (Uma, Parvati): Vaisnavi Goddesses- Kamaksi, Kotaraksi, Narayani. Sakta Rituals
Chapter 5: Brahmaism 161-172
General Background: Brahma in the Padmapurana: Description etc.: Abode. Brahma - Rituals Nature of Brahma- Worship in the Padma -purana: Tapas, Meditions etc.: Japa of the Gayatri Mantra: Diksa: Rathayatra-mahotsava: Image- Worship: Vrata, Upavasa etc.
Chapter 6: Saura-Cult 173-181
General Background: Saura-Cult in the Padma-purana: Dominance of Surya: Description etc.: Twelve Names of Surya. Saura- Rituals: Mantra, Vrata, etc.: Lotus as symbol of Sun- worship: Worship of Sun's Image.
Worship of the Navagrahas in Brahmanical Ritualism 182-190
General Background: Worship of Surya, Candra, Bhauma, Budha, Brhaspati, Sukra, Sani, Rahu, and Ketu.
Chapter 7: Some heretical or Non-Brahmanical Sects 191-192
Buddhism: Jainism.
Part B- Realigion in Common Practice
Introductory 195-196
Chapter 8: Tirtha- Yatra 197-212
General Background: Meaning of the word 'Tirtha', Concept of Tirtha in the Padma-purana : number and Glory of Tirthas: Preliminaries to Tirthayatra: Mode of Travel: Commendable practices at Tirthas: Natural Death or Suicide.
Chapter 9: Vratas 213-248
General Background: Meaning of the term 'Vrata': Concept of Vrata in the Padma-purana: Essentials of Vrata -Mental and Physical: Number and glory of Vratas in the Padma-purana: Time for Commencement and duration: Samkalpa: Bath: Worship of Guru : Worship of a particular Divinity: Rituals of worship: Mandapas: sthandila: Kumbha: Homa: Jagara: Daksina and Dana : Parana or Parana ; Udyapana: Tantric element found in Vratas.
Chapter 10: Danas 249-297
General Background : Concept of Dana in the Padma-purana: Constituents of Dana- Datr Sraddha, Patra, Deya, time of Dana and Place: Procedure of Dana ritual: Glory of Dana: Some Important Gifts in the Padma-purana- Annadana, Abhayadana, Kanyadana, Grhadana, Vidyadana, Tulapurusadana, Dhenudana, Pravatadana, abrahmandadana, Bhumidana, Devaprasada, Padaparopana, Paniyadana, Setubandha Gosirahthapana, Gopracara
Chapter 11: Stotras 298-305
General Background: Stotras in the Padma-purana: Importance of the Stotras: Theme of the Stotras: Poetical excellence
Introductory 309-310
Chapter 1 : God 311-316
Puranic Concept of God: Influence of Samkara and Ramanuja
Chapter 2 : The Atman 317-321
Concept of the Atman: Influence of Samkara and Ramanuja
Chapter 3: The World and the Theories of Creation 322-351
(a) The World : God and the World views of Samkara and Ramanuja on the Point.
(b) The Theories of Creation : Cosmic Egg Theory: Lotus Theory: Sacrifice Theory: Yajna-Varaha-Theory : Ninefold Creation of Brahma: Twofold Creation - Manasi Srsti and Maithuni-Srsti
Chapter 4: Doctrines of Karman and Punarjanman 352-363
Concept of Karman and Punarjanman: Three types of Karmans: Concept of Fate: Concept of Papa and Punya: Echatalogy.
Chapter 5: Spiritual Paths 364-438
General Background -Concept of Yajana: Yoga: Jnana-Yoga: Karma- Yoga: Bhakti Yoga-Bhakti as Parama Dharma, Nature of Bhakti Bhakti and Preman Bhakti and Jnana Different attitudes of mind (Karma, Krodha, Dvesa, Bhaya, Sama, Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya), Bhaktirasa Bhakti and Karman Doctrine of Prapatti, Doctrine of Grace Kinds of Bhakti (Vaidhi and Raganuga), Spiritual and Ethical discipline of Bhakti Supreme efficacy of Bhakti
Chapter 6: Mukti 439-449
Concept of Mukti in the Padma-purana: Kaivalya (Samkara's Influence) : Forms of Mukti : Five Stages of Mukti : Mukti and Bhakti: Divine Kingdom (Ramanuja's Influence).
Conclusion 450
Appendix I : List of Vratas and Utsavas 463
Appendix II : List of Stotras 520
Bibliography 540
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