ISBN | 8120803329 |
Pages | 1066 |
Language: | English Translation |
Product Code: | 2 |
Size(in cm): | 8.8" X 5.8" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1560(approx) |
Preface vii
Abbreviations xiii
Introduction xv
1. Summary of Contents 1
2. A Sacrificial Session of Twelve Years 22
3. Origin of Creation 26
4. Origin of Creation (continued) 29
5. Origin of Creation (continued) 37
6. Origin of Creation (continued) 42
7. Transition between two Yugas (Ages) 51
8. Four Stages of Life 58
9. Creation of Devas and Others 76
10. Manvantaras 86
11. Pasupata Yoga 93
12. Evil Portents and Calamities in Yoga 98
13. Supreme Power of Yoga 102
14. Pasupata Yoga 104
15. Pasupata Yoga (continued) 108
16. Purity and Conduct of Life 110
17. Attainment of the Ultimate State of Life 112
18. Procedure of Expiation for Recluses (Sannyasins) 113
19. Evil Omens Foreboding Death 116
20. The Characteristics of Attainment of Omkara 119
21. Review of Kalpas 123
22. Number of Kalpas 130
23. Incarnations of Mahesvara 133
24. Hym to Siva 150
25. Birth and Death of Madhu and Kaitabha 164
26. Origin of Sounds 171
27. Names and Bodies of the Great Lord 176
28. Families of Sages 182
29. Progeny of Agni 185
30. The Curse of Daksa 191
31. The Race of Devas 218
32. Characteristics of Yugas 224
33. Progeny of Svayambhuva Manu 230
34. Geography of Jambudvipa 236
35. Jambudvipa (continued) 245
36. (Geographical) Arrangement of the World 249
37. Arrangement of the World (Valleys and Lakes) 252
38. Valleys between Mountains 255
39. Abodes of Devas 261
40. Boundary and the Limits of Mount Devakuta 265
41. Description of Kailasa 267
42. The Divine Rivers 274
43. Description of Bhadrasva 280
44. Description of Ketumala 283
45. Description of Bharatavarsa 285
46. Description of Kimpurusa Varsa 301
47. Descent of the Ganga 304
48. Countries of the Jambudvipa 311
49. Description of Plaksa Dvipa and other Dvipas 314
50. The Nether-worlds: Manifestation of the Luminaries 329
51. Movements of the Luminary Bodies 347
52. Movement of Dhruva 355
53. Arrangement of Luminaries 362
54. Hymn to Nilakantha 373
55. Hymn to the Linga of Siva 383
56. Description of Pitrs 388
57. The Cycle of Yugas: Their Characteristics 396
58. Description of the Four Yugas 408
59. Yugas and Classes of People: Lineage of Sages 419
60. Description of Holy Places: The Death of Sakalya 429
61. Lineage of Prajapati 436
Preface vii
Abbreviations xiii
1. Manavntaras: The Milking of the Earth 457
2. The Dynasty of Prthu 474
3. Vaivasvata Manvantara: The Marica Creation 479
4. The Race of Prajapati: Rebirth of Seven Sages 483
5. The Race of Dharma 497
6. Curse to Jaya Gods: Nrsimha Incarnation: Race of Hiranyakasipu: Birth of Marut-gods 510
7. The Race of Kasyapa: Danu's Progeny 522
8. Dynastics Descended from Kasyapa 525
9. The Race of Sages 553
10. The Procedure of Sraddha 561
11. The Birth of Skanda: Rules Prescribed for Sraddha 569
12. The Procedure of Sraddha (Continued) 580
13. The Procedure of Sraddha Performance (Continued) 584
14. The Procedure Regarding Performance of Sraddha: The Five Mahayajnas 591
15. Sacred Places for Sraddha 596
16. The Sraddha Ritual: Purificatory Rites 610
17. The Test for Eligibility of a Brahmana (for Sraddha Invitation) 618
18. Benefit Derived from Charitable Gifts 627
19. Benefit of Sraddha Performance on Various Tithis 633
20. Benefit of Sraddha Performance under Different Constellations 636
21. Miscellaneous Topics: Qualifications of a Brahmana for Sraddha-gifts: Merits of Performance of Sraddha at the Sacred Places 638
22. The Race of Varuna: Birth of Asvin-gods 649
23. Creative Activity of Manus: The Story of Sudyumna 656
24. A Dissertation on Music: The Definition of Murcchana 659
25. The Science of Music: The Embellishments 666
26. The Iksvaku Dynasty 672
27. The Nimi Dynasty 691
28. The Nativity of Soma and Saumya (Budha) 694
29. The Lunar Race: The Amavasu Dynasty 698
30. The Origin of Dhanvantari; Varanasi Cursed; Raji's Exploits 708
31. The Story of Yayati 717
32. The Birth of Kartavirya 727
33. The Dynasty of Jyamagha and Vrsni 732
34. The Race of Vrsni 737
35. Wars between Suras and Asuras: Bhrgu cures Visnu: The Eulogy of Sambhu by Sukra758
36. Glorification of Visnu's Greatness 778
37. Royal Dynasties 789
38. The Manvantaras and Dissolution of the Universe 827
39. Worlds from Maharloka to Siva's City 846
40. Dissolution of the Universe 877
41. Recreation of the Cosmic Egg 891
42. Dissipation of Vysa's Doubts 899
43. The Greatness of Gaya 910
44. The Glory of Gaya: The Story of Gayasura 916
45. Gayamahatmya (Contd.): The Story of Sila 924
46. Gayamahatmya (Contd.): Sila-tirtha and Other Sacred Spots 929
47. Gayamahatmya (Contd.): The Glory of Adigadadhara 942
48. Procedure of the Pilgrimage to Gaya 947
49. Procedure of the Pilgrimage at Gaya (Continued) 954
50. The Glory of Gaya 965
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