Detail Of The Visnu Purana
ISBN | 8171102127 |
Pages | 616 |
Language: | Sanskrit Text and English Translation of the Vishnu Purana |
Product Code: | 1 |
Size(in cm): | 9.8" X 7.4" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1200(approx) |
1. Invocation. Maitreya inquires of his teacher, Parasara the origin and nature of the universe. Parasara performs a rite to destroy the demons: reproved by Vasistha, he desists: Pulastya appears, and bestows upon him divine knowledge: he repeats the Visnu Purana. 1
2. Prayer of Parasara to Visnu. Successive narration of the Visnu Purana. Explanation of Vasudeva: his existence before creation: his first manifestations. Description of Pradhana, Mahat; Ahankara; Tanmatras etc.; Description of Visnu, Brahma and Rudra 6
3. Measure of time, Moments of Kasthas, etc., day and night, fortnight, month, year, divine year. Yugas, or ages: Mahayuga, or great age: day or Brahma: periods of the Manus: a Manvantara: night of Brahma, and destruction of the world: a year of Brahma: his life: a Kalpa: a pararddha: the past, or Padm Kalpa: the present, or Varaha 17
4. Narayana appearance, in the beginning of the Kalpa, as the Varaha or boar: Prthivi (Earth) addresses him: he raises the world from beneath the water: hymned by Sanandana and the Yogis. The earth floats on the ocean: divided into seven zones. The lower spheres of the universe restored. Creation renewed 21
5. Vishnu as Brahma creates the world. General characteristics of creation. Brahma meditates, and gives origin to immovable things, animals, gods, men. Specific creation of nine kinds. Mahat, Tanmatra, Aindriya, inanimate objects,, animals, gods, men, Anugraham and Kaumara. More particular account of creation. Origin of the Vedas 27
6. Origin of the four castes: Different kinds of grain. Efficacy of sacrifice. Duties of men: 35
7. Creation continued. Production of the mind-born sons of Brahma: of the Prajapatis; of Sanandana and others; of Rudra and the eleven Rudras; of the Manu Svayambhuva, and his wife Satarupa; of their children. The daughter of Daksa, and their marriage to Dharma and others. The progeny of Dharma and Adharma. The perpetual succession of worlds, and different modes of mundane dissolution 39
8. Origin of Rudra: his becoming eight Rudras: their wives and children. The posterity of Bhrgu. Account of Sri in Conjunction with Visnu 47
9. Legend of Lakshmi. Durvases gives a garland to Indra: he treats it disrespectfully, and is cursed by the Muni. Descriptions of the power of the gods. The churning of the ocean. 54
10. The descendants of the daughters of Daksa married to the Rsis. 66
11. Legend of Dhruva, the son of Uttanapada: he is unkindly treated by his father's second wife: applies to this mother: her advice: he resolves to engage in religious exercises: sees the seven Riss; who recommend him to propitiate Visnu. 69
12. Dhruva commences a course of religious austerities, Unsuccessful attempts of Indra and his minister of distract Dhruva's attention: Dhruva praises Visnu and is raised to the skies as the pole-star. 73
13. Posterity of Dhruva. Story of Vena: The production of Nisads and Prthu: the latter the first king. The origin of Suta and Magadha: they enumerate the duties of kings. Prthu compels Earth to acknowledge his authority: 80
14. Descendants of Prthu. Legends of the Pracetasas: they are desired by their father to multiply mankind, by worshipping Visnu they plunge into the sea, and meditate on and praise him: he appears, and grants their wishes. 88
15. The world overrun with trees; they are destroyed by the Pracetasas. Some pacifies them and gives them Marisa to wife: her story: the daughter of the nymph Pramloca. Legend of Kandu. Characters of Daksa, the son of the Pracetasas: 92
16. Inquiries of Maitrey respecting the history of Prahlada 107
17. Legend of Prahlad. Hiranyakasipu the sovereign of the universe: the gods dispersed, or in servitude to him: Prahlada, his son, remains devoted to Visnu: Hiranyakasipu order him to be put to death. 108
18. Hiranyakasipu's reiterated attempts to destroy his son: their being always frustrated. 116
19. Dialogue between Prahlada and his father: he is cast from the top of the place unhurt: baffles the incantations of Samvara: he is thrown fettered into the sea. 119
20. Visnu appears to Prahlada. Hiranyakasipu relents, and is reconciled to his son: he is put to death by Visnu as the Nrsimha. Coronation of Prahlada. 125
21. Families of the Daityas. Descendants of Kasyapa by Danu, Children of Kasyapa by his other wives. Birth of the Marutas, the sons of Diti. 129
22. Dominion over different provinces of creation assigned to different beings. Universality of Visnu. Four varieties of spiritual contemplation. Two condition of spirit. The perceptible attributes of Visnu: Merit of hearing the first Book of the Visnu Purana. 133
1. Decendants of Priyavrata, the eldest son of Svayambhuva Manu: his ten sons: three adopt a religious life; the others become kings of the seven Dvipas, or isles, or the earth. Agnidhra, king of Jambu-dwipa, divides it into nine portions, which he distributes amongst his sons. Nabhi, king of the south, succeeded by Rsabha; and the Bharata: India named after him Bharata: his descendants reign during the Svayambhuva Manvantara. 141
2. Description of the earth. The seven Dvipas and seven seas. Jambudwipa. Mount Meru: its extent and boundaries. Extent of Ilavrita. Groves, lakes, and branches of Meru. Cities of the gods Rivers. The forms of Visnu worshipped in different Varsa. 145
3. Description of Bharata-varsa: extent: chief mountains: nine divisions; Principal rivers and mountains of Bharata proper: principal nations: superiority over other Varsa, especially as the seat of religious acts. (Topographical lists). 151
4. Account of kings, divisions, mountains, rivers, and inhabitants of the other Dvipas, viz. Plaksa, Salmala, Kusa, Kraunca, Saka, and Puskara: of the oceans separating them. Of the tides: of the confines of the earth: Lokalaka mountain. Extent of the whole. 167
5. Account of the Seven religions of Patala, below the earth. Narada's praises of Patala. Account of the serpent Sesa. First teacher of astronomy and astrology. 174
6. Account of the different hells, or divisions of Naraka. 176
7. Extent and situation of the seven spheres, Account of the eggs of Brahma, and its elementary envelopes. 181
8. Description of the sun; his chariot; its two axles: his horses: Divisions of time: equinoxes and solstices, months, years, the cyclical Yuga, or age of five years. Northern and Southern declinations. Saints of the Lokaloka mountain. Celestial paths of the Pitris, gods, Visnu. Origin of Ganga. 185
9. Planetary system, under the type of the Sisumara, or porpoise. The earth nourished by the sun. Narayana the support of all being. 196
10. Names of the twelve Adityas. Names of the Rsis Gandharvas, Apsarasas, Yaksas, Uraga, the Raksasas, who attend the chariot of the sun in month of the year. Their respective function. 198
11. The sun distinct from, and supreme over, the attendants on his car: identical with the three Vedas and with Visnu: his function. 200
12. Description of the Moon. The chariots and horses of the planets: kept in their orbits by aerial chains attached to Dhruva. Typical members of the planetary porpoise. Vasudeva alone real. 202
13. Legend of Bharata: Bharata abdicates his throne and becomes an ascetic: cherishes a fawn, and becomes so much attached to it as to neglect his devotions: he dies: his successive births: works in the fields, and is pressed as a palankin-bearer for the Raja Sauvira: rebuked for his awkwardness: his reply: dialogue him and the king. 207
14. Dialogue continued. Bharata expounds the nature of existence, the end of life, and the identification of individual with universal spirit. 214
15. Bharata relates the story of Rbhu and Nidagha. The latter, the pupil of the former, becomes a prince, and is visited by his preceptor, who explains to him the principles of unity, and departs. 217
16. Rbhu returns to his disciple, and perfects him in divine knowledge. The same recommended to the Raja by Bharata, who thereupon obtains final liberation. Consequences of hearing this legend. 219
1. An Account of the several Manus and Manvantaras, Svarocisa the second Manu, the divinitles, the Indra, the seven Rsis of his period, and his sons. Similar details of Auttami, Tamasa, Raivata, Caksusa, and Vaivasvata. The Meaning of Visnu. 222
2. Of the seven future Manus and Manvantaras. Story of Sanjna and Chaya wives of the sun. Savarni, son of Chaya, the eighth Manu. Their divinities, etc. of their respective periods. Appearance of Visnu in each of the four Yugas. 227
3. Division of the Veda into four portion, by the Vyasa, in every Dwapara age. List of the twenty-eight Vyasas of the present Manwantara. Meaning of the word Brahman. 232
4. Division of the Veda, in the last Dvapara age by the Vyasa Krisna Dwaipayana Paila made reader of the Rk. Vaisampayana of the Yajus; Jaimini of the Saman; and Sumantu of the Artharvan. Origin of the four parts of the Veda. 235
5. Division of the Yajur-veda. Story of Yajnavalkya; forced to give up what he has learned: picked up by others, forming the Taittriya-yajus. Yajnawalkya worships the sun, who communicates to him the Vajasaneyi-Yajus. 238
6. Division of the Sama-veda: of the Artharva-veda. Four Pauranik Sanhitas. Names of the eighteen Puranas. 241
7. By what means men are exempted from the authority of Yama, as narrated by Bhisma to Nakula. Dialogue between Yama and one of his attendants. 244
8. How Visnu is to be worshipped, as related by Aurva to Sagara. Duties of the four castes, severally and in common: also in time of distress. 248
9. Duties of the religious student, householder, hermit, and mendicant. 252
10. Ceremonies to be observed at the birth and naming of a child. Of marrying, or ieading a religious life. Choice of a wife. Different modes of marrying. 255
11. Of the Sadacaras, or perpetual obligations of a householder. Daily purification's, ablutions, libation, and oblations: hospitality: obsequial rites: ceremonies to be observed at meals, at morning and evening worship, and on going to rest. 257
12. Miscellaneous obliations purificatory, ceremonial, and moral. 267
13. Of Sraddhas, or rites in honour of ancestors, to be performed on occasions of rejoicing. Obsequial ceremonies. Of the Ekoddista or monthly Sraddha, and the Sapindana or annual one. By whom to be preformed. 270
14. Of occasional Sraddhas, or obsequial ceremonies: when most efficacious, and at what places. 275
15. What Brahmans are to be entertained at Sraddhas. Different prayers to be recited. Offering of food to be presented to deceased ancestors. 279
16. Things proper to be offered as food to deceased ancestors: prohibited things. Circumstances vitiating a Sraddha: how to be avoided. Song of the Pitris, or progenitors, hears by Ikswaku. 284
17. Of heretics, or those who reject the authority of the Vedas: their origin, as described by Vasistha to Bhisma: the gods, defected by the Daityas, praise Visnu: an illusory being, or Buddha, produced from his body. 286
18. Buddha goes to the earth, and teaches the Daityas to contemn the Vedas: his sceptical doctrines: his prohibition of animal sacrifices. Meaning of the term Bauddha. Jainas and Bauddhas; their tenets. The Daityas lose their power, and are overcome by the gods. Meaning of the term Nagna. Consequences of neglect of duty. Story of Satadhanu and his wife Saivya. Communion with heretics to be shunned. 289
1. Dynasties of the kings; origin of Brahman, Daksa, Pururavas and marriage of Revati with Balarama. 298
2. Birth of Iksvaku and narration of Kakutstha, Yuvanasva and Somesvara. 306
3. Hymns of destroying the Nagas, origin of Sagara 317
4. Asvamedha sacrifice of Sagara, Descendent on Earth of Ganga by Bhagiratha, the story of Rama etc. 322
5. Sacrifice if Nimi, origin of Sita and story of Kusadhvaja's race 329
6. Dynasty of the Moon, An account of Tara, origin of three Fires 334
7. Lineage of Puruvasas and Jahnu. 339
8. Lineage of Ayu and origin of Dhanvantari. 345
9. Battle of Raji and Daityas; Dynesty of Ksatravrddha. 348
10. An account of Nahusa and Yayati. 350
11. Race of Yadu, An account of Arjuna, the lord of a thousand arms. 352
12. Lineage of Krostri, the son of Yadu. 355
13. An account of the sons of Satvata. 358
14. Dynasty of Anamitra and Andhaka. 368
15. The story of the previous birth of SIsupala and the sons of Vasudeva. 371
16. Dynasty of Turvasu. 374
17. Druhyu. 375
18. Lineage of Anu, the son of Yayati. 375
19. Dynasty of Puru. 377
20. Dynasty of Kuru. 385
21. Narration of the kings of the future periods. 388
22. Future princes of the family of Iksvaku. 389
23. Descendants of the kings of Magadha. 391
24. Dynasty of the kings of the Kali age. 392
1. Marriage of Vasudeva and Devaki; Earth came to Brahma, Visnu accepted the incarnation for killing of Kansa. 411
2. 'Yogamaya enters into the womb of Yasoda and Hari into Devaki. 419
3. Origin of the lotus-eyed deity Acyuta; rose into the sky and expanded into a gigantic figure. 421
4. Freedom from imprisonment. 423
5. Killing of Putana. 424
6. Breaking of Wagon, Namakarana ceremony of Krsna and Balarama. 426
7. Chastisement of Kaliya. 430
8. Destruction of demon Dhenuka. 435
9. Destruction of demon Pralamba. 436
10. Descriptions of the season of autumn; Worship of Govardhana mountain. 439
11. Anger of Indra and holding Govardhana mountain by Krsna. 443
12. Indra comes to Krsna; Inauguration of Krsna by Indra 445
13. Herdsmen appraised Krsna; Krsna's Rasalila with Gopis. 447
14. Slaughter demon Arista, disguished as a savage bull (Vrsabha) 452
15. Kansa sent Akrura to invite Krsns. 453
16. Slaughter demon KesI 455
17. Journey of Akrura to Gokula 457
18. Krsna depart for Mathura; Afflictions of Gopis; Infatuation of Akrura. 459
19. Slaughter of a washerman, the servant of Kansa, Krsna enters into house of a flower-seller 464
20. Grace upon Kubja: Slaughter of Kansa. 466
21. Ugrasena's coronation; Krsna's study of the science of arms. 474
22. Defeat of Jarasandha. 477
23. Burning of Yavana king, Kalayavana and praise of Mucukunda to Kansa. 478
24. Mucukunda departed to Gandhamadana to perform penance. 482
25. Balabhadra went to the woods of Vraja, he plunged into Yamuna bank, and dragged her to him. 483
26. Krsna married Rukmini. 485
27. Sambara killed by Pradyumna. 486
28. Slaughter of Rukmin. 489
29. Slaughter of demon Naraka. 491
30. The story of the Parijata tree. 494
31. Krsna arrived over Dvaraka, Hari wedded Sixteen thousand and one hundred maidens. 499
32. Description of Usa the daughter of Bana. 500
33. Battle of Krsna and demon Bana. 502
34. An account of the burning of Varanasi by Krsna and killing of Paundraka. 506
35. Wedding of Samba, the son of Krsna. 510
36. Destruction of monkey Dvivida. 513
37. The curse of the sages and destruction of the Yadu race; Lord returns to his abode. 514
38. Funeral ceremonies of Yadavas and coronation of Pariksit; Pandavas enter into the wood. 521
1. Account of the nature of the Kali age. 528
2. An account of the Sudras and women in the Kali age. 533
3. Measure of Time Nimesa, Muhurta etc.and descriptions of Naimittika (occasional) dissolution. 536
4. Nature of elemental dissolution (Prakrta Pralaya). 539
5. Three kinds of worldly pain-inseparable, incidental and superhuman; The explanation of the term Bhagavat and Vasudeva. 543
6. Explanation formerly given by Kesidhvaja to Khandikya. 549
7. Descriptions of Brahma-yoga 553
8. Tradition of the disciples; The greatness of the Visnu Purana. Merits of the hearing of Visnu-purana. 563
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