Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra
Price: | Rs.2,025.00 |
Detail Of Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra
ISBN | 9788121800002 |
Pages | 1645 |
Language: | Text, English Translation, Notes, Appendices and Index |
Product Code: | 2 |
Size(in cm): | 7.4"X 9.7" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1500(approx) |
I Introduction
II Chapters of the text
1. Purva Khanda (First Section) Prathama Bhaga-Part-I
1 Ayurveda Pravaktru 1
Pradurbhava Prakarana
(birth of propogators of Ayurveda)
2 Srsti Prakarana (cosmology-trigunas-Man and constitutions) 12
3 Garbha Prakarana (Pregnancy- embroyology-mother and child care) 18
4 Bala Prakarana (body and its parts-functions-health-diseases etc.) 66
5 Dinacaryadi Prakarana (diurnal and seasonal regimen etc.) 78
6 (i) Misra Prakarana (diseases-causes, diagnosis, treatment, drugs, pharmacology etc.) 124
6 (ii) Haritakyadi varga 159
6 (iii) karpuradi varga (group of karpura etc.) 205
6 (iv) Guducyadi varga (group of guduci etc.) 228
6 (v) Puspa varga (group of flowers etc.) 280
6 (vi) Vatadi varga (group of vata etc.) 293
6 (vii) Amradi varga (group of amra etc.) 308
6 (viii) Dhatupadhatu-rasoparasa- ratnoparatna, visopavisa varga (group of metals, minerals, gems, poisons etc.) 333
6 (ix) Dhanya varga (group of grains, cereals, pulses etc.) 363
6 (x) Saka varga (group of vegetables) 378
6 (xi) Mamsa varga (group of meats) 400
6 (xii) Krtanana varga (group of prepared foods, menu etc.) 418
6 (xiii) Vari varga (group of waters) 442
6 (xiv) Dugdha varga (group of milk, milk products) 454
6 (xv) Dadhi varga (group of curds, its products) 461
6 (xvi) Takra varga (group of buttermilks) 465
6 (xvii) Navanita Varga (group of butter, etc.) 468
6 (xviii) Ghrta varga (group of ghee/butterfats) 470
6 (xix) Mutra varga (group of urines etc.) 473
6 (xx) Taila varga (group of oils, its products) 475
6 (xxi) Sandhana varga (group of fermented beverages wines etc.) 479
6 (xxii) Madhu varga (group of honey and its products) 485
6 (xxiii) Iksu varga (group of sugarcane and its products) 490
6 (xxiv) Anekartha nama varga (group of drugs with many meanings) 495
Dvitiya bhaga-Part-II
7 (i) Mana paribhasa prakarana (systems of weights and measures) 503
7(ii) Bhesaja vidhana prakarana (pharmaceutics) 507
7 (iii) Dhatvadi sodhana marana prakarana (purification and inceneration of metals, minerals etc.) 519
7 (iv) Snehapana vidhi prakarana (oleation therapy) 556
7 (v) Pancakarma vidhi prakarana (five purficatory therapy) 562
7 (vi) Dhumapanadi vidhi prakarana (smoke inhalation therapy etc.) 595
7 (vii) Rogi pariksa (examination of the Patient) 630
1 List of drugs of vegetable origin (basonyms) 648
2 Synonyms of plants and plant products 655
3 Botonical and English names 686
4 Pratinidhi dravyas (substitute drugs) 697
5 List of animals and animal products 700
6 List of metals, minerals, salts etc. 704
7 Names of drugs in Hindi 707
8 Table of ancient weights and measures 719
Index 720
I Preface
II Names of chapters
Names of chapters
1 Jvara adhikara Fever- diagnosis & treatment 1
2 Atisara adhikara Diarrhoea- diagnosis & treatment 124
3 Jvaratisara adhikara Fever with diarrhoea ,, ,, 144
4 Grahaniroga adhikara Duodenal disorders ,, ,, 146
5 Arso adhikara Haemorrhoids/piles ,, ,, 158
6 Jathararagni vikara adhikara Disgestive disorders ,, ,, 177
7 Krimiroga adhikara Parasitic disorders ,, ,, 197
8 Panduroga- kamala , Halimaka adhikara Anaemia- jaundice etc. ,, ,, 202
9 Rakta pitta adhikara Bleeding disease ,, ,, 211
10 Amlapitta- slesmapitta adhikara Hyperacidity ,, ,, 223
11 Rajayaksma adhikara Pulmonary tuberculosis ,, ,, 229
12 Kasa roga adhikara Cough ,, ,, 242
13 Hikka roga adhikara Hiccup ,, ,, 250
14 Svasa roga adhikara Dyspnoea ,, ,, 254
15 Svarabheda adhikara Hoarseness ,, ,, 261
16 Arocaka adhikara Anorexia ,, ,, 264
17 Chardi adhikara Vomitting ,, ,, 268
18 Trsna adhikara Thirst ,, ,, 273
19 Murcha, bhrama, nidra, tandra, sannyasa, adhikara Fainting, giddiness, coma ,, ,, 278
20 Madatyaya adhikara Alcoholic intoxication ,, ,, 285
21 Daha adhikara Burning sensation ,, ,, 298
22 Unmada adhikara Insanity ,, ,, 301
23 Apasmara adhikara Epilepsy ,, ,, 311
24 Vata vyadhi adhikara Diseases of nervous system ,, ,, 315
25 Urusthambha adhikara Monoplegia ,, ,, 359
26 Amavata adhikara Rheumatism ,, ,, 366
27 Pitta vyadhi adhikara Diseases of pitta origin ,, ,, 384
28 Slesma vyadhi adhikara Diseases of kapha origin ,, ,, 386
29 Vatarakta adhikara Gout ,, ,, 388
Part- III
30 Sula adhikara Abdominal pain ,, ,, 418
31 Udavarta-anaha adhikara Flatulence ,, ,, 430
32 Glma adhikara Abdominal tumor ,, ,, 437
33 Pliha yakrt adhikara Diseases of spleen & liver ,, ,, 445
34 Hrdroga adhikara Diseases of the heart ,, ,, 449
35 Mutrakrcchra adhikara Dysuria ,, ,, 452
36 Mutraghata adhikara Retention of urine ,, ,, 460
37 Asmari adhikara Urinary calculus ,, ,, 469
38 Prameha adhikara Diabetes ,, ,, 483
39 Sthaulya adhikara Obesity ,, ,, 502
40 Karsya adhikara Emaciation ,, ,, 513
41 Udara adhikara Enlargements of the abdomen ,, ,, 515
42 Sotha adhikara Dropsy ,, ,, 524
43 Vrddhi - bradhna adhikara Scrotal enlargement (hernia) ,, ,, 530
44 Galaganda-gandamala , Grranthi- arbuda adhikara Cervical lymphadenitis, scrofula, benign and maliganant tumors ,, ,, 536
45 Slipada adhikara Filariasis ,, ,, 545
46 Vidradhi adhikara Abcesses ,, ,, 548
47 Vranasotha adhikara Inflammatory oedema ,, ,, 553
48 Bhagna adhikara Fractures ,, ,, 568
Part - IV
49 Nadi vrana adhikara Sinus ulcer ,, ,, 576
50 Bhagandara adhikara Anal fistula ,, ,, 582
51 Upadamsa adhikara Syphilis & other S.T.D. ,, ,, 588
52 Lingarsas adhikara Warts of the penis ,, ,, 595
53 Sukadosa adhikara Diseases of the penis ,, ,, 597
54 Kustha adhikara Leprosy ,, ,, 600
55 Sitapitta- udarda kotha-adhikara Allergic skin rashes ,, ,, 620
56 Visarpa adhikara Erysepelas ,, ,, 623
57 Snayuka roga adhikara Dracontiasis ,, ,, 629
58 Visphota adhikara Small-pox ,, ,, 632
59 Phiranga roga adhikara Syphilis ,, ,, 636
60 Masurika sitala roga- adhikara Chicken-pox ,, ,, 640
61 Ksudra roga adhikara Minor diseases ,, ,, 652
62 Siro roga adhikara Diseases of the head ,, ,, 675
63 Netra roga adhikara Diseases of the eyes ,, ,, 684
64 Karna roga adhikara Diseases of the ears ,, ,, 718
65 Nasa roga adhikara Diseases of the nose ,, ,, 727
66 Mukha roga adhikara Diseases of the mouth ,, ,, 735
67 Visa roga adhikara Diseases of the poisons ,, ,, 759
68 Stri roga adhikara Diseases of women ,, ,, 773
69 Soma roga adhikara Leucorrhoea ,, ,, 776
70 Yoni roga adhikara Diseases of vagina & uterus ,, ,, 776
71 Bala roga adhikara Diseases of children ,, ,, 801
1 Vajikarana adhikara Virilification therapy 825
2 Rasayana adhikara Rejuvination therapy 836
1 Names of authorities mentioned by Bhavamisra 839
2 Anatomical information 841
3 List of diseases 842
4 Medicinal formulae 836
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