Hippocratus-2: Ayurvedic Acupressure (Based on Tissue Production)
Price: | Rs.400.00 |
Detail Of Hippocratus-2: Ayurvedic Acupressure (Based on Tissue Production)
ISBN | dpb1615 |
Pages | 107 |
Language: | English |
Product Code: | 1 |
Size(in cm): | 9.5 inch X 7.5 inch cm |
Weight(in grams): | 200(approx) |
Treatment of Hyperacidity & Gastritis I Ulcers Prevention of Loss of Energy
Part I
1 Acute Gastritis 1
2 Heart and throat burning 2
3 Abdomen distention with burning and acidity 2
4 Entire chest abdomen distention and chronic acidily 3
5 Whole body afficted acidity leads 4 Exetremities and whole body burning 4
6 Duodenal Ulcer 5
7 Appendicular Region inflammation and burning 5
8 Liver fire Ablaze with burning and acidity in the Liver area 6
9 Lungs Acidosis from throat to Rectum / Anus 7
10 Severe conditions of Acidity and gastritis (Below diaphragm) 7
Treatment Protocols of Hypoacidity Prevention of Loss of Energy
Part II
1 Acute Gastritis 8
2 Heart and throat burning 9
3 Abdomen distention with burning and acidity 9
4 Entire chest abdomen distention and chronic acidily 10
5 Whole body afficted acidity leads 4 Exetremities and whole body burning 11
6 Duodenal Ulcer 12
7 Appendicular Region inflammation and burning 12
8 Liver fire Ablaze with burning and acidity in the Liver area 13
9 Lungs Acidosis from throat to Rectum / Anus 14
10 Severe conditions of Acidity and gastritis (Below diaphragm) 14
Treatment Protocols of Energy Leakage I Hammorrhage for various Organs I Parts there of Prevention Loss of Energy
Part III
1 Bleeding from Mouth Cavity 16
2 i. Bleeding from Teeth 16
ii. Right Upper Quadrant 8 Teeth Bleeding 17
iii. Right Lower Quadrant 8 Teeth Bleeding 17
iv. Left Upper Quadrant 8 Teeth Bleeding 18
v. Left Lower Quadrant 8 Teeth Bleeding 18
3 In similar manner pairs of teeth bleeding may be treated as following:
i. Right Upper 7 & 8 Teeth Bleeding 19
ii. Right Upper 5 & 6 Teeth Bleeding 19
iii. Right Upper 3 & 4 Teeth Bleeding 20
iv. Right Upper 1 & 2 Teeth Bleeding 20
4 Similarly for the lower left 8 teeth bleeding paired teeth may be treated on the NCH toes
i. Left 7 & 8 Teeth Bleeding 21
ii. Left Upper 5 & 6 Teeth Bleeding 21
iii. Left Upper 3 & 4 Teeth Bleeding 20
iv. Left Upper 1 & 2 Teeth Bleeding 20
5 Similarly all the four pairs of lower right quadrant may be treated as given below. 22
i. Bleeding from the Food Pipe 22
ii. Bleeding from the Wind Pipe (Larynx box) 23
iii. Bleeding from the Right Duodenum 23
iv. Internal Bleeding from Gall Bladder and Liver 24
v. Right Lung Bleeding 25
vi. Left Lung Bleeding 25
vii. Bleeding from Stomach and Food Pipe 26
6 Bleeding from organ above the diaphragm, i.e. heart, lung and oral cavity 26
7 Bleeding from the organ below the diaphragm- dominant symptom - brown colour blood treatment 27
8 Bleeding from the lower cavity (pelvic region including colon Small Intestine Rectum etc.) 28
9 Treatment of Hammorrhage in chronic cases such as ulcerative colon ulcerative Small Intestine, Stomach etc. : 29
Treatment Protocols of Neuralgia Pain and Ache Prevention Loss of Energy
Part IV
1 Right Leg Pain (Right Sciatica Pain) 30
2 Left Leg Pain (Left Sciatica Pain) 30
3 Painful Toe of Right Leg 31
4 Painful Toe of Left Leg 31
5 Lower Extremities Sensation with Slight Tremors with imbalance gait 32
6 Cervical pain radiating to Right Arm 33
7 Cervical pain radiating to Left Arm 33
0 Right Hand's Finger painful 34
9 Left Hand's Finger painful 34
10 Right Hand Tremors with poor distortion in the writing poor gripping etc. 35
11 Left Hand Tremors with Poor Gripping 35
12 Right eye region Neuralgia, Headache 36
13 Pain between Eye Brow and Nose region 36
14 Left Eye Region Pain / Neuralgia 37
15 Right Denture Region / Neuralgia 37
16 Left Denture Region / Neuralgia 38
17 Neuralgia in middle Chin area 38
18 Right Vertex Region pain/neuralgia 39
19 Left Vertex Region Pain/Neuralgia 39
20 Neuralgia aggravated by Heat 40
21 Neuralgia aggravated by Wind- Humidity / Cold 40
22 General treatment 41
Ayurvedic Acupressure - (General Treatment Protocols)
1 Epilepsy 42-43
2 Loss of Energy by sleep on account of Loss of Sleep 43-45
3 Loss of energy due to Excess Breathlessness 45-46
4 (i.) Displacements Navel 46
(ii.) Loose Muscles of Navel 47
5 Uterus Prolapse - Type 1 48
6 Uterus Prolapse (Loose Uterine Muscles) - Type 2 49
7 Anal Prolapse (Type I & Type IV) 50-52
8 High Cholesterol 52-53
9 Constipation 54-55
10 Calcium Oxalate in Urine 55
11 Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) - Urine with pain 56
12 Calcium Deficiency 56-57
13 Vitamin D Deficiency 57
14 Vitamin B12 Deficiency 58
15 Diabetes (Type I to V) 58-61
16 Viral Fever 62
17 Cough and Cold 63
18 Chest Congestion 63-64
19 Itching due to paper tape (Allergy) 64
20 Dry Cough 65
21 Coughing With Mucous 66
22 Malaria 67
23 Typhoid Fever 68-69
24 Loose Motion 70
25 Bleeding Piles 71
26 Dry Piles 71
27 Varicose Veins (Left Leg) 72
28 Obesty (Type I & II ) 72-73
29 Sinusitis 74
30 (i.) Hair Fall 75
(ii.) Dandruff in head region with Scalp Itching 76
(iii.) Without Itching 76
(iv.) Gray Hair 77
31 Thyroid Problem 77
32 Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) 78
33 Shock 79
34 (i.) Fatty Thigh due to Hormonal Problems 79
(ii). Complex Disease of Eyes 80
(iii.) Twitching Eyes 81
(iv.) Trachoma (Conjunctivitis) 82
(v) Floaters in Front of Eyes 83
(vi). Purulent Discharge from Eye 84
35( i.) Tinnitus (Left Ear) 85
(ii.) Tinnitus (Rt. Ear) 85
36 White Eyebrows 86
37( i.) Rt. Heel pain but Uric Acid normal 87
(ii.) Lt. Heel pain but Uric Acid normal 87
38 Swelling in Lower Leg 88
39 Weak Immune System 89
40 Excess Gas Formation 0
41 Excessive Anger 91
42 Delayed Mild Stone 92
43 Whole Chest & Abdoment 93
44 Lung Pleurisy 94
45 Chest Asciles 95
46 Abdomen Asciles 96
47 Pericardial Effusion 97
Treatment Protocols of Hammorrhage - Part-III (B)
Part - A
1 Right Ear Hemorrhage 102
2 Left Ear Haemorrhage 103
3 Right Eye Haemorrhage 104
4 Right Nasal Bleeding - (Right Cavity) 105
5 Left Nasal Bleeding 106
6 Urinary Track Bleeding 107
7 Poly Cystic Ovary Bleeding 107-110
Part - B
Bleeding Due to Traumatic Injury
1 Right Knee Injury 111
2 Right Ankle Injury 112
3 Right Hip Injury 112
4 Right Shoulder Joint Injury 113
5 Right Elbow Joint Injury 113
6 Right Wrist Joint Injury 114
7 Left Knee Injury 114
8 Left Ankle Injury 115
9 Left Hip Injury 115
10 Left Shoulder Joint Injury 116
11 Left Elbow Joint Injury 116
12 Left Wrist Joint Injury 117
13 Right Frontal Head Injury 117
14 Right Parietal Head Injury 118
15 Right Temporal Head Injury 118
16 Right Occipital Head Injury 119
17 Left Frontal Head Injury 119
18 Left Parietal Head Injury 120
19 Left Temporal Head Injury 120
20 Left Occipital Head Injury 121
21 Anterior Part of Vertex Injury 121
22 Posterior Part of Vertex Injury 122
23 Right Buttock & Pelvis Injury 122
24 Right Inner Thigh Part Injury 123
25 Right Outer Thigh Region Injury 123
26 Right Knee Region Injury 124
27 Right Inner Below Knee to Ankle Region Injury 124
28 Right Outer Below Knee to Ankle Region Injury 125
29 Right Ankle Region Injury 125
Right Foot Pad Region 126
Right Sole Region Injury 126
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