Price: | Rs.3,250.00 |
ISBN | 8120803477 |
Pages | 2170 |
Language: | English Translation |
Product Code: | 5 |
Size(in cm): | 8.7" X 5.7" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 3085(approx) |
Trans By: Dr. G.V. Tagare
I. The Naradiya Purana and its Place in the Evolution of the Purana Literature. 1
i. The Ur-Purana 1
ii. The Mula Puranas 2
iii. Puranam Panca-Laksanam 5
iv. Dharma-Sastra and Puranas 6
v. Dharmasastra in the Narada Purana 7
vi. The Purana in Modern Indian Languages. 8
II. The Naradiya as a Mahapurana 9
1. Sarga (Creation) 11
2. Pratisarga (Re-creation after dissolution) 13
3. Vamsa (Genealogies) 13
4. Manvantara (Ages of Manus) 16
5. Vamsanucaritam (History of Royal Dynastics) 18
III. The Sources of the Naradiya and its Probable Date 18
IV. The Vedangas in the Narada Purana 24
1. Siksa 24
2. Kalpa 27
3. Vyakarana 28
4. Nirukta 28
5. Jyotisa 29
6. Chandas 30
V. The Narada Purana and Tantrism 30
1. Tantra 31
2. Mantra 32
3. Yantra 37
VI. Religious Sects in the Narada Purana 42
1. Pancaratras and Vaisnavism 43
2. Saivism 44
3. Saktism 45
VII. Religion and Philosophy in the Narada Purana 48
1. Castes and stages in life 48
2. Cosmogony 49
3. Yoga and its Kinds 49
VIII. The Interpretations of Bhagavata and Bhagavata 52
IX. The Dharma Sastra 52
X. The Narada Purana and the Mahapuranas 53
XI. The Author 54
XII. Concluding Remarks 55
1. Dialogue between Suta and Sages 57
2. Eulogy of Lord Visnu 75
3. Description of the Sphere of the Earth and of Bharata 89
4. Anecdote of Markandeya 102
5. Description of Markandeya's Life 114
6. Glory of the Ganga river 126
7. Glory of the Ganga river (contd.) 142
8. Glory of the Ganga river (contd.) 152
9. Glory of the Ganga river (contd.) 166
10. Defeat of Devas by Bali 181
11. Glory of the Ganga: Origin of the river. 188
12. Dialogue between god Dharma and King Bhagiratha 210
13. Discourse on Dharma 220
14. Directions Regarding Dharma and Propitiatory rites 238
15. Bhagiratha advised to bring the Ganga 255
16. Bhagiratha brings down the Ganga 271
17. Narration of the vowed Observance of Dvadasi day 283
18. Holy Observance pertaining to Laksmi-Narayana 296
19. Installation of the Banner 300
20. The Legend of King Sumati 307
21. The holy rite of Five Nights 316
22. Fast for a month 320
23. Ekadasi Vrata 324
24. Conduct of the Good and Approved usages 334
25. Vedic Studies and Other Religious Duties 340
26. Dharma of the Householder 347
27. Religious Duties of the Householders, Forest Hermits and Sannyasins 355
28. Rite of Sraddha 370
29. Determination of Lunar days 382
30. Mode of Expiation 391
31. Duties of the Emmissaries of Yama 404
32. Forest of Worldly Existence 412
33. A Discourse on Yoga 421
34. Characteristics of Devotion to Hari 438
35. Anecdote of Vedamali on Spiritual Knowledge 445
36. Efficacy of Service unto Visnu: Story of Yajnamali and Sumali 452
37. Greatness of Visnu, Story of Gulika, the hunter 458
38. Uttanka's Eulogy of Visnu. Uttanka Liberated 465
39. Greatness of Visnu: Story of Raivata 473
40. Greatness of Visnu: Story of Sudharma 480
41. Glory of the Lord's Name 487
Illustration: Sarvato-bhadra 294a
Translated By: Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare
42. Cosmogony: The Origin of the Universe 499
43. Traditional Duties of Brahmanas 514
44. A Discourse on Meditation 534
45. Exposition of Dharmas leading to Liberation 547
46. Narration of Spiritual matters 563
47. Exposition of the way to realize the Soul 576
48. Story of Bharata 585
49. Exposition of the Virtuous Path to Liberation 594
50. Arrangement of notes and syllables 605
51. Treatise on Rituals 636
52. Exposition of Grammar 657
53. Exposition of Nirukta 674
54. Mathematics and Astronomy 691
55. Delineation of Horoscopy 723
56. Natural Astrology 778
57. Description of Prosody 868
58. Suka's Temptation 873
59. Dialogue between Suka and Janaka 880
60. Dialogue between Suka and Sanatkumara 887
61. Greatness of Nivrtti Dharma 898
62. Exposition of Moksa-dharma 907
Translated By: Hemendra Nath Chakravorty
63. Principles of Pasupata Philosophy 915
64. Procedure of Initiation 926
65. Procedure of repeating the mantras 932
66. Daily Prayers and Ritual 941
67. Worship of Devas 955
68. Ganesa Mantra 967
69. Procedure of repeating the Mantras 976
70. Japa of Mahavisnu 990
71. Worship of Nrsimha 1008
72. Worship of Hayagriva 1034
73. Worship of Rama and Others 1034
74. Worship of Hanuman 1051
75. Procedure of showing lamp to Hanuman 1068
76. Glory of Karttavirya 1078
77. Karttavirya-Kavaca 1090
78. Hanumat-Kavaca 1102
79. Life of Hanuman 1107
80. Mantras of Krsna 1136
81. Mantras of Krsna and others 1165
82. A Thousand names of Radha and Krsna 1179
83. The Panca Prakrti Mantra 1199
84. The Mantra of the Goddess 1213
85. Yaksini Mantra 1223
86. Incarnation of Laksmi 1238
87. Mantras of Goddess Durga 1249
88. Mantras of Radha and Others 1263
89. One thousand names of Lalita 1288
90. The narrative of Nitya deities 1303
91. The narrative of the Mantra of Mahesa 1323
Translated By: Dr. G.V. Tagare
92. The Brahmapurana: Contens and merit accrued 1345
93. The Padma Purana: Contents 1352
94. The Visnu Purana: Contens 1357
95. The Vayu Purana: Contents 1360
96. The Bhagavata Purana: Contents 1362
97. The Naradiya Purana: Contents 1366
98. The Markandeya Purana: Contents 1368
99. The Agni Purana: Contents 1371
100. The Bhavisya Purana: Contents 1374
101. The Brahma-Vaivarta Purana: Contents 1376
102. The Linga Purana: Contents 1379
103. The Varaha Purana: Contents 1382
104. The Skanda Purana: Contents 1384
105. The Vamana Purana: Contents 1405
106. The Kurma Purana: Contents 1408
107. The Matsya Purana: Contents 1410
108. The Garuda Purana: Contents 1413
109. The Brahmanda Purana: Contents 1418
110. The exposition of Vratas to be performed on Pratipad (the first day of the lunar fortnight) 1422
111. Exposition of Vratas to be observed on Dvitiyas (the second day of the lunar fortnight) 1428
112. Enumeration of Vratas to be observed on Trtiyas (the third day of the lunar fortnight) 1431
113. The Exposition of the holy rites to be performed on Caturthis (the fourth day of the lunar fortnight) 1440
114. The Exposition of the Holy Vratas to be performed on Pancami days (the fifth day of the lunar fortnight) 1449
115. The Exposition of the holy vows to be observed on Sasthi (the sixth day in the lunar fortnight) 1456
116. The Exposition of the rites to be observed on Saptami (the seventh day) 1462
117. The Review of the Vratas to be observed on Astami (the eight day of the lunar fortnight) 1469
118. The Exposition of the Vratas to be observed on Navami (the ninth day of the lunar fortnight) 1480
119. The Holy rites to be observed on Dasami (the tenth day of the lunar fortnight) 1483
120. The Exposition of the Vratas to be observed on Ekadasi (the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight) 1491
121. The Holy rites to be observed on Dvadasi (the twelfth day of the lunar fortnight) 1501
122. The Vratas to be observed on Trayodasi (the thirteenth day of the lunar fortnight) 1512
123. The Vratas to be observed on Caturdasi (The fourteenth day of the lunar fortnight) 1521
124. The Exposition of Vratas to be observed on the Full Moon and the New Moon Days 1529
125. The greatness of the Purana 1539
1. The greatness of Ekadasi day 1546
2. Discussion of Tithis 1548
3. Yama goes to the Region of Brahma 1554
4. An Appeal by Yama 1560
5. The lamentation of Yama 1563
6. God Brahma's Reply 1565
7. The Statement of Brahma 1567
8. The description of Mount Mandara 1574
9. A Dialogue between Rukmangada and Dharmangada 1577
10. The dialogue between Rukmangada and Harsadeva 1582
11. Rukmangada meets Mohini 1588
12. Stipulation of the Conditions 1593
13. The Fascination of Mohini 1596
14. The salvation of Godha (the Lizard) 1599
15. The dialogue between the father (Rukmangada) and the son (Dharmangada) 1605
16. The Anecdote of a chaste lady 1610
17. The Statement of Mohini 1617
18. Honouring the Mothers 1622
19. The love-making of Mohini 1627
20. Dharmangada's conquer of quarters 1631
21. Dharmangada's marriages and his order as a Ruler 1634
22. The glory of the month of Karttika 1638
23. Mohini's dialogue with Rukmangada 1647
24. Questions of Mohini 1656
25. The story of Mohini 1662
26. The story of Mohini (continued) 1670
27. The story of Kasthila 1671
28. Kasthila's story (continued) 1685
29. The description of Kasi 1693
30. The story of Kasthila (continued) 1701
31. The glory of the month of Magha 1708
32. The Narration of Sandhyavali 1713
33. The Submission of Dharmangada 1720
34. The Vision of the Lord 1726
35. Mohini incurs a Curse 1728
36. Brahma intercedes for Mohini 1736
37. Mohini regains her physical body 1742
Translated By: Ganesh Vasudeo Tagare
38. The Greatness of the Ganga 1747
39. The Glory of Ablution in the Ganga 1753
40. The Fruit of Ablution in Different Holy Centres 1757
41. The Procedure for Charitable Gifts 1763
42. The Procedure for the Gift of Guda-dhenu 1770
43. The Procedure of Worship of the Ganga 1774
44. The Greatness of Gaya 1787
45. The Procedure of offering Pindas in the Gaya-Yatra 1797
46. Importance of offering Pindas at Gaya 1808
47. The Glory of Gaya 1814
48. The Greatness of Kasi 1824
49. Pilgrimage to Kasi 1833
50. The Glory of Kasi 1839
51. The Greatness of Kasi (concluded) 1846
52. The Greatness of Purusottama (Jagannatha of Puri) 1846
53. The Greatness of Purusottama (contd.) 1859
54. The Glory of Purusottama (contd.) 1865
55. The Greatness of Purusottama (contd.) 1876
56. The Greatness of Purusottama (contd.) 1876
57. The Glory of Purusottama: The Procedure of Worship 1896
58. The Creation of the Golden Egg 1902
59. Purusottama Mahatmyam (Contd.) 1909
60. Ablution of Deity 1913
61. The Fruit of Pilgrimage to Purusottama Ksetra 1920
62. The Greatness of Prayaga; the Procedure of Pilgrimage 1929
63. The Greatness of Prayaga (concluded) 1935
64. The Greatness of Kuruksetra 1952
65. Pilgrimage to Kuruksetra 1956
66. Glory of Gangadvara (or Haridvara) 1969
67. The Greatness of Badarikasrama 1975
68. The Legend of Kamada 1983
69. The Greatness of Kamaksa 1985
70. The Greatness of Prabhasa 1989
71. The Greatness of Puskara 1998
72. The Power of Austerities of Gautama 2004
73. The Greatness of Tryambakesvara 2008
74. The Glory of Gokarna 2024
75. The Greatness of Laksmanacala 2028
76. The Greatness of Setu 2035
77. Sancitity of the Tirthas in Narmada 2037
78. The Glory of Avanti 2040
79. The Greatness of Mathura 2045
80. The Glory of Vrndavana 2050
81. The Review of the Story of Vasu 2061
82. The Benefit of Listening to the Narada Purana 2066
INDEX, general 2073
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