Price: | Rs.1,500.00 |
ISBN | 812080340 |
Pages | 845 |
Language: | English Translation |
Product Code: | 2 |
Size(in cm): | 8.8" X 5.8" cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1280(approx) |
Introduction xiv
Lingapurana (in translation)
Section I
1. Introductory 1
2. Index of Content 4
3. Primary creation 8
4. Inauguration of Creation 12
5. Creation 16
6. Glory of Siva 20
7. Esoteric secret of Siva 22
8. Yogic Zones 27
9. Obstacles and Portents 37
10. Means of Direct Perception 43
11. Sadyojata 47
12. Glory of Vamadeva 48
13. Glory of Tatpurusa 50
14. Glory of Aghoresa 51
15. Glory of Aghoresa 52
16. Glory of Isana 55
17. Origin of Linga 58
18. Visnu's praise of Siva 64
19. Enlightenment of Visnu 68
20. Enlightenment of Brahma 69
21. Eulogy of Siva 76
22. Creation of Rudras 84
23. Kalpas 86
24. Incarnations of Siva 90
25. Method of Acamana and Ablution 100
26. Procedure of Sacred Ablution 103
27. Worship of Linga 107
28. Mental worship of Siva 111
29. Victory over Death 115
30. Story of Sage Sveta 122
31. Hymn to Siva 125
32. Hymn to Siva 129
33. Statement of the sages 130
34. Praise of the Yogin 133
35. Defeat of Ksupa 136
36. Dialogue between Ksupa and Dadhica 139
37. Grant of boons to Brahma 145
38. Creation of Brahma 148
39. Specific Dharmas of Four Yugas 150
40. Extent of four Yugas 156
41. Nativity of Brahma 164
42. Origin of Nandisvara 169
43. Coronation of Nandisvara 172
44. Coronation of Nandisvara 176
45. Description of Nether worlds 179
46. Dvipas and their lords 181
47. Bharata sub-continent 184
48. The mountain Meru 187
49. Ilavrta sub-continent 190
50. Abodes of Devas 195
51. Continents 197
52. Geography of the World 200
53. Geography of the World 205
54. Movements of Luminaries 209
55. The Sun's Chariot 215
56. Description of the Moon 221
57. Movements of the Planets 223
58. Coronation of the Sun and others 226
59. The form of Solar rays 227
60. The Solar Sphere 231
61. The situation of the planets 233
62. Situation of Dhruva 238
63. Origin of Devas and others 241
64. Grant of boons by Pulastya 248
65. Thousand names of Siva 258
66. The narrative of Yayati 287
67. The narrative of Yayati 293
68. The race of Jyamagha 296
69. Srikrsna, his birth and life 299
70. Various Creations 306
71. Statement of Nandikesvara 333
72. Construction of Rudra's Chariot 347
73. Glory of Worshipping Siva 364
74. Description of Siva Lingas 366
75. Monism of Siva 369
76. Installation of Siva's Image 373
77. The Temples of Siva 378
78. Scrubbing and cleaning the shrine of siva 387
79. The mode of worship of Siva 389
80. The holy Pasupata rite 392
81. The holy rite for the release of Pasus 397
82. Hymn of purification 402
83. The holy rites of Siva 411
84. The holy rite of Uma-Mahesvara 416
85. The glory of the five-syllabled Mantra 422
86. The sacrifice of meditation 441
87. Suppression of delusion 455
88. Review of Pasupata yoga 458
89. Characteristics of good conduct 466
90. The expiatory rites of the ascetics 478
91. Portentous phenomena 480
92. Glory of Srisaila 486
93. The narrative of the Asura Andhaka 502
94. Uplifting the Earth 504
95. The Exploits of Nrsimha the Man-lion 507
Section I (Continued)
96. Prayer of Siva 513
97. Death of Jalandhara 524
98. Thousand names of Siva 528
99. Destruction of Daksa's sacrifice 553
100. Destruction of Daksa's sacrifice 555
101. Destruction of Kama 559
102. The penance of Uma 562
103. The glory of Sakti 566
104. The eulogy of the lord 573
105. The origin of Vinayaka 576
106. Tandava dance of Siva 579
107. The story of Upamanyu 581
108. Glory of the Pasupata Vrata 587
Section II
1. The Greatness of Narayana 589
2. The glory of Visnu 595
3. Achievement of the Science of Music by Narada 596
4. The description of a devotee of Visnu 606
5. The anecdote of Srimati 606
6. The origin and activities of Alaksmi 618
7. The twelve-syllabled Mantra 626
8. The eight-syllabled Mantra 629
9. The holy rite of Pasupata 632
10. The greatness of the consort of Uma 637
11. The superhuman magnificence of Siva 640
12. The cosmic form of Siva 644
13. The Eight Bodies of Siva 648
14. The Five Brahmanas 651
15. The form of the Supreme Lord 654
16. The principle of Siva 656
17. The greatness of Siva 659
18. The holy Pasupata rite 662
19. The mode of Siva's worship 668
20. The means of worshipping Siva 672
21. The mode of Initiation 677
22. The consecration of the Tattvas 684
23. The mode of worship of Siva 692
24. The mode of worship of Siva 695
25. The holy rites of fire pertaining to Siva 703
26. The mode of worshipping Aghora 714
27. The description of the Jaya ablution 717
28. The mode of charitable gifts 736
29. The mode of charitable gift of Hiranyagarbha 745
30. The mode of gifting the mountain of gingelly seeds 746
31. The mode of gifting the subtle mountain 748
32. The gift of golden earth 748
33. The mode of gifting the kalpa tree 749
34. The mode of gifting Visvesvara 750
35. The mode of gifting the golden cow 751
36. The mode of gifting Laksmi 752
37. The mode of gifting the golden cow along with gingelly seeds 753
38. The mode of offering thousand cows as gift 754
39. The procedure for the gift of golden horse 755
40. The mode of gifting a virgin 756
41. The gift of the golden bull 756
42. The mode of gifting an elephant 757
43. The mode of gifting the eight guardians of the quarters 758
44. The mode of gifting Visnu 759
45. The mode of performing Jivaccharaddha rite 760
46. Installation of the Linga 765
47. Installation of the Linga 767
48. The different varieties of Gayatri 771
49. Installation of Aghoresa 776
50. Mastering the mantra of Aghora 777
51. The Vidya of Vajresvari 781
52. Rites for enslaving, fascinating etc. 783
53. The rite of conquering Death 784
54. Worship with Triyambaka mantra 785
55. The mode of propitiating Siva 788
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