Detail Of Kurma Purana
ISBN | 9788171103263 |
Pages | 482 |
Language: | Sanskrit Text with English Translation |
Product Code: | 1 |
Size(in cm): | 10.0 inch X 7.5 inch cm |
Weight(in grams): | 1000(approx) |
Introduction xi
Chapter-1 Beatitude of Indradyumna 1
Chapter-2 Description of Varnas and Asramas 11
Chapter-3 Chronology of Asramas 20
Chapter-4 Description of Prakrta-sarga 22
Chapter-5 Details of numbers of Kalas 27
Chapter-6 Recovery of Earth from Water 29
Chapter-7 Description of Sarga or Creation 30
Chapter-8 Description of the Prominent Sargas 35
Chapter-9 The Emergence of Brahma 38
Chapter-10 Description of Rudra's Creation 44
Chapter-11 Incarnation of the Goddess 49
Chapter-12 Glory of the Goddess 51
Chapter-13 Genealogy of the daughter of Daksa 77
Chapter-14 Progeny of Svayambhuva Manu 79
Chapter-15 Destruction of Daksa's Sacrifice 83
Chapter-16 Progeny of Daksa's Daughters 90
Chapter-17 Progeny of Daksa's Daughters 107
Chapter-18 Description of The race of Kasyapa 113
Chapter-19 Description of the dynasty of Rsis 114
Chapter-20 Description of Royal Dynasty 116
Chapter-21 Description of Iksvaku Dynasty 122
Chapter-22 Description of Lunar Dynasty 126
Chapter-23 Description of Jayadhvaja Dynasty 132
Chapter24 Description of the glory of Yadu Vamsa 135
Chapter-25 Glory of Krsna and Yaduvamsa 141
Chapter-26 Performing of penances by krsna 149
Chapter- Departure of krsna to his abode 156
Chapter-28 Pathas Encounter with Vyasa 158
Chapter-29 Description of Yugadharma 158
Chapter-30 Discussion between Arjun and Vyasa on Yugadharma 162
Chapter-31 The Glory of Varanasi 166
Chapter-32 The Glory of Varanasi 172
Chapter-33 The Glory of Varanasi 174
Chapter-34 The Glory of Varanasi 178
Chapter-35 The Glory of Varanasi 181
Chapter-36 The Glory of Prayaga 183
Chapter-37 Glory of Prayaga 186
Chapter-38 The Glory of Prayaga 189
Chapter-39 The Glory of Prayaga 190
Chapter-40 The dynasties of the kings 192
Chapter-41 Distribution of Globe 195
Chapter-42 Distribution of Lokas 198
Chapter-43 Movement of the Planets 200
Chapter-44 Detail of the universe 203
Chapter-45 The Description of Mountains 205
Chapter-46 The Abode of Guardians of the world 208
Chapter-47 Division of the Earth 210
Chapter-48 Description of Jambudvipa 213
Chapter-49 Description of Plaksadvipa 218
Chapter-50 Description of puskaradvipa 222
Chapter-51 Glory of Visnu in the Manvantaras 224
Chapter-52 Distribution of the Sakhas (branches) of the Vedas 228
Chapter-53 Incarnation of Siva 230
Chapter-1 Isvara -Gita 230
Chapter-2 Isvara -Gita 233
Chapter-3 Isvara -Gita (Prakrti and Purusa) 236
Chapter-4 Isvara-Gita(Glory of Siva) 242
Chapter-5 Isvara-Gita(Siva's Dance) 244
Chapter-6 Isvara-Gita 248
Chapter-7 Isvara-Gita 251
Chapter-8 Isvara-Gita 254
Chapter-9 Isvara-Gita 255
Chapter-10 Isvara-Gita 257
Chapter-11 Isvara-Gita 259
Chapter-12 Isvara-Gita 268
Chapter-13 Sipping of water and Karma yoga 273
Chapter-14 Duties of the Brahmacarin disciple 277
Chapter-15 Duties of house holders 284
Chapter-16 Duties of a house holder 287
Chapter-17 The articles fit for consumption or otherwise 294
Chapter-18 Daily performance of the Brahmanas 298
Chapter-19 Routine of the Brahmansa and their food 307
Chapter-20 Sraddha-kalpa 309
Chapter-21 Sraddha-kalpa 313
Chapter-22 Sraddha-kalpa 317
Chapter-23 Views on impurity 326
Chapter-24 Performance of homa by Dvijas 333
Chapter-25 Means of livelihood of a Brahmana 335
Chapter-26 Giving away of charities 337
Chapter-27 Duties of a Vanaprastha (or the third stage of the life) 342
Chapter-28 Duties of Recluse 346
Chapter-29 Duties of an ascetic 348
Chapter-30 Method of exception 351
Chapter-31 Glory of Kapalamocana tirtha 353
Chapter-32 Rules for repentance 361
Chapter-33 Rules for repentance 363
Chapter-34 Rules for repentance 366
Chapter-35 About the holy places 377
Chapter-36 Description of holy places 382
Chapter-37 Description of the holy places 385
Chapter-38 Entry in the Daruvana 390
Chapter-39 Entry in the forest of Devadaur 396
Chapter-40 Glory of the river Narmada 402
Chapter-41 Glory of the Narmada river 405
Chapter-42 Description of holy places on the bank 412
Chapter-43 The glory of the tirthas of Narmada river 415
Chapter-44 Glory of the holy places 418
Chapter-45 Dissolution of the world 420
Chapter-46 Description of dissolution and subsidiary creation 424
Index of Verses 435
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