Detail Of Sri Gaudiya Kanthahara
ISBN | 9788187812739 |
Pages | 490 |
Language: | Transliterated Text and English Translation |
Product Code: | 1 |
Size(in cm): | 8.8 cm |
Weight(in grams): | 770(approx) |
The Guru Principle
One must accept a guru in disciplic succession
A qualified guru and disciple are hard to find
A genuine guru knows the truth about Krsna
A guru is a master of his sense
A pure devotee is the guru of all varnas and asramas
A guru is an acarya of sambandha-jnana
Who is an acarya?
Example is better than precept
Inconceivable oneness and difference of guru, Vaisnava, and Krsna
Siksa-guru–Caitya-guru and mahanta (personal)-guru
By the mercy of Krsna gets the mercy of guru
Guru gives scientific knowledge about the highest spiritual reality
The spiritualmaster is the energy of Krsna
The guru is gaura-sakti and gaura-priyatama
A guru in name only commits a great offense
Scholarship is no qualification for becoming a guru
A non-Vaisnava cannot be a guru
Bogus gurus
The injunction to abandon a bogus guru
A materialistic, professional, family or vyavaharika-guru must be given up
One who rejects a false guru must accept a real guru
Why become a disciple?
Who thinks the spiritual master an ordinary man goes to hell
One who thinks the guru ordinary does not progress
For transcendental knowledge on must approach a guru
The guru takes one beyond jnana to pure devotion
Guru and Lord Nityananda are non-different
The authorized sacred tradition
Lord Brahma, the original teacher
Sri Madhva-the sampradaya acarya
The Brahma-Madhva Gaudiya sampradaya
The Bhagavata Principle
Bhagavatam is the crown jewel of all revealed scriptures
Bhagavatam is the ripened fruit of the Vedic desire tree
Bhagavatam is the literary incarnation of Krsna
Paramahamsas sing Bhagavatam for the benefit of all souls
Bhagavatan is dear to the topmost paramahamsas
Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on Vedanta
Bhagavatam is the essence of all the scriptures
Whoever disregards Bhagavatam is lost
Bhagavatam reveals the inner meaning of Vedanta
Bhagavatam is the cream of the Vedas and the very form of Krsna
Self-manifest and enternal, Bhagavatam is not ordinary literature
Bhagavatam is beyond sensual experience
Two kinds of bhagavata: the book and the person
The inconceivable nature of Bhagavatam
Bhagavatam is understood through Vaisnavas
Study Bhagavatam in light of previous acarya
Who does not recognize Bhagavatam is doomed
The proud cannot relish the nectarean juice of the Bhagavatam
Lecturing on Bhagavatam as a profession is prohibited
Who won’t hear the Srimad-Bhagavatam
Further prohibitions against lecturing on Bhagavatam for money
Don’t hear Bhagavatam from nondevotees
The eighteen Puranas
The Puranashave three divisions – sattvika, rajasika and tamsika
What is to be known as sastra
What is Pancaratra
The words of the Pancaratra are as goods as God
Narada Pancaratra is the cream of Vedic literature
Narada Pancaratra is authorized
The Vaisnava Principle
The definition of a Vaisnava
Different kinds of Vaisnavas
Three kinds of devotees – arcane-marga and neophyte devotees
Arcana-marga and the advanced devotees
Arcana-marga and the advanced devotee
The symptoms of a neophyte devotee
Symptoms a madhyama-adhikari
Symptoms of an uttama-adhikari
Further symptoms of an uttama-adhikari
The Paramahamsa Vaisnava
Description of the three kinds of devotees from Caitanya-caritamrta
A ordinary Vaisnava
A superior Vaisnava
The topmost Vaisnava
Who is a Vaisnava
The twenty-six qualities of a Vaisnava
Vaisnavas see with equal vision
The Lord is conquered by devotion
A Vaisnava is supremely merciful
The glories of the servants of the Vaisnavas
Further glories of the Vaisnavas
Without taking shelter of a Vaisnava all knowledge is lost
Only Vaisnavas are really merciful to the fallen
The glories of exclusive Vaisnava
Vaisnava is very rare
Out of many liberated souls, a pure devotee is very rare
A Vaisnava is beyond mundane knowledge
A Vaisnava is paradukha-duhkhi
A Vaisnava is transcendental
A Vaisnava’s birth, family and nation are of no importance
A devotee is dearer than one’s own family
The twelve Mahajana
Important devotees
Prahlada is the best of the devotees
Better than Prahlada are the Pandavas
Uddhava is superior to the Yadavas
The gopis are superior to Uddhavai
The gopis are superior to the Laksmis of Vaikuntha
Radharani is the best of all devotees
The glories of Gauranga’s devotees
The unfortunate position of nondevotees
Pure devotees to Gauranga is best of all
Without devotion to Gauranga, one’s knowledge of scripture is nonsense
Without the mercy of Gauranga’s devotee everything is impossible
The Gauranga Principle
The evidence from sruti for Lord Caitanya
Evidence from Bhagavatam for Lord Caitanya
Evidence of Mahabharata for Sri Caitanya
Evidence of the Puranas for Lord Caitanya
The version of the Gosvamis
Sri Gauranga is the source of all avataras
Sri Gauranga is unattainable by worldly knowledge
Lord Caitanya’s sixfold nature
Sri Gauranga is the Supreme Truth
Lord Caitanya is the jagad-guru
Lord Gauranga is the best of all
Gauranga’s tattva, nama, rupa and lila
Gauranga delivers all by distributing nama
Gauranga is the giver of Krsna prema
Who cheat themselves out of love of God
One can know the conclusion of scripture by Sri Gauranga’s mercy
Lord Gauranga’s preaching pastimes
Sri Gauranga’s example and precept
Gauranga’s principle and ultimate goals
Sri Gauranga principle and ultimate goals
Sri Gauranga is like a lion
Sri Gauranga external reason for appearing
Lord Gauranga’s confidential reason for appearing
He has the mood of Sri Radha but externally spreads the holy name
The pastimes of Sri Caitanya are eternal
Materialists and demonic persons are envious of Sri Gauranga
Gauranga is not the enjoyer of Gaura-Nitai
The position of those who cheat themselves of Lord Gauranga’s mercy
Gauranga appears as His holy name and as His deity
Gauranga’s teaching in a nutshell
The Nityananda Principle
Nityananda and Advaita-Two main branches of the Caitanya tree
Baladeva is the original Sankarsana
Balarama and Nityananda are non-different
The glories of Nityananda Prabhu
Nityananda is the savior of the most fallen
The desire for bhakti is strengthened by the mercy of Nitai
Nityananda is the foremost preacher
Nityananda mad about serving Sri Caitanya
Those who doubt that Gaura and Nitai are inseparable are offenders
Faith in Gaura without Nitai, or vice verse, opposes pure devotional service
The Advaita Principle
The truth about Advaita Prabhu
Advaita is the material cause of mundane creation
Advaita is Sadasiva
The Meaning of the name Advaita
Advaita Acarya is a preacher of krsna-bhakti
He is the avatara of Mahavisnu and a devotee of Lord Caitanya
Advaita and Nityananda are servants of Advaita
The saragrahi followers of Advaita are devotees of Gauranga
The useless followers of Adavaita Acarya
were cut off from Gauranga’s mercy
The Krsna Principle
The one Absolute Truth is realized in three ways
Bhagavan realization is complete, Paramatma and Brahman are partial
The conclusion of the sruti about Brahman
The conclusion of Bhagavad-gita
The conclusion of the Gosvamis
The conclusion of the Gosvamis
Nirvisesa means Krsna has no material qualities
Yogis worship the Supersoul
Paramatma is an ekamsa expansion of the Supreme Lord
The Supreme Truth has three potencies
Visnu is the Supreme Truth
Krsna is the Supreme Visnu
Krsna is the independent Supreme Person
Krsna is the ultimate goal of all vedic literature
The meaning of Bhagavan
Krsna is the Supreme Master
Krsna is the cause of all cause
Krsna is the Supreme Shelter of everything
Krsna is the Original person
On the basis of rasa, Krsna is superior to Narayana
Narayana is the opulent pastime expansion of Krsna
The demigods recognize Krsna as Supreme
This world is maintained by an extended expansion of Krsna
Krsna is Lord of Vrdavana, with two hands holding the flute
The real from of Krsna
The Vedas of speak of the pastimes of the Supreme Lord
By Serving Krsna the universe is satisfied
The demigods are never envious of Krsna
Krsna appears in three categories
The two division of svayam-rupa
Two divisions of svayam-rupa-prabhava and vaibhava
Prabhava-vilasa-Expanding many forms to marry thousands of queens
The four-handed Vasudeva is prabhava-vilasa
Two divisions of tad-ekatma-rupa
Two divisions of vilasa forms are for different moods and pastimes
from prabhava-vilasa come the catur-vyuhas
The original catur-vyuha are the Lords in Mathura and Dvaraka
The twenty-four principal expansions of the original catur-vyuha
The original catur-vyuha expands into Vaikuntha
Further expansions of the second quadruples
Svamsa expansions appear in the material world
Six kinds of avataras
Who is called Svayam Bhagavan
Avatari and the different avataras of the Lord
The distinction between avatara and avatari
The avataras of the Lord are divine
Time and purpose for Lord’s avatara
The principal reason for Krsna’s advent
Krsna’s avataras are countless
The purusa-avataras are the origin of everything
Because He descends to the material world, the Lord is called avatara
Mahavisnu is a partial part of Krsna
Mahavisnu is beyond the modes of nature
Pradyumana becomes Grabhodakasayi Visnu
Aniruddha is Ksirodakasayi Visnu
Brahma is the avatara of rajo-guna
Brahma is empowered for the work of creation
Rudra is the avatara of the mode of ignorance
The distinction between Krsna, Siva, and jiva
Rudra is one with, yet different from the Lord
The difference between Siva and Krsna
Rodra is always absorbed in a synthesis of the qualities of maya
Visnu is above the modes of nature
Visnu is a svamsa expansion of Krsna
Krsna expands as Visnu just as an original candle lights other candles
The constitutional position of Visnu, Brahma ad Siva
The eternal and transcendental character of Krsna’s birth and pastimes
Evidence from sruti about the transcendental character of Krsna’s pastimes
The apani-padah verse means that His body is transcendental
The Lord’s body is not material
Transcendental science can’t be understood by material intelligence
The body of the Lord is transcendental substance
The name and form of the Lord
Who cannot understand Krsna’s From is a mudha
The deity from of the Lord appears in eight kinds of material substances
The Sakti Principle
The energies of the Supreme Lord are unlimited
The Lord’s unlimited energy is divided into three principle categories
Three varieties of the Lord’s energy
The evidence from sruti for cit-sakti
The evidence from smrti for cit-sakti
The evidence from smrti for jiva-sakti
The evidence from for maya-sakti
The evidence of the smrti for maya-sakti
Two kinds of maya is the shadow of yoga-maya
Hladini, samvit and sandhini-three kinds of energy
Those who are most dear to Krsna are His internal energy
Sri Radhika is Krsna’s most complete energy
All the Lakshmi are expansion of Sri Radha
The Principle of The Mellows of Divine Rasa
Krsna, the ocean of transcendental mellows appears differently to devotees
The absolute truth is the personification of divine mellows
The fine principle rasa
The seven secondary rasa
Srimad Bhgavatam on santa-rasa
Being fixed in Krsna is a quality of santa -rasa
The essential feature of santa-rasa
Dasya-rasa = santa -rasa + service
Srimad-Bhagatam on dasyarasa
The Srimad-Bhagavatam on the glories of dasya-rasa
The glories of being a servant of Krsna
The srutis on sakhya-rasa
In sakhya-rasa the Lord may be defeated by the jiva
Rati is the root is the cause of rasa
Two kinds of alambana
Krsna is the best of all objects of worship
Srimad Radharani is the best of all asrayas
Subdivision of rasa
The Jiva Principle
The jiva is a separated infinitesimal particle (vibhinnmsa) of the Lord
The nature of the jivas is transcendental substance
The jivas is a particle of a ray of Paramatma
The jivas is conscious atomic energy
The infinitesimal soul is pure, but…
The soul pervades the body with consciousness
The evidence of Vedanta on the nature of the soul
Two kinds of souls-“bound” and “liberated”
The soul’s constitutional position
The jiva is an eternal servant of Krsna
The jiva is Krsna’s tatastha sakti
The jivas is a manifestation one with and different from the Lord
The jivas are dependent on God
Suddhavaita -on the difference between jiva and isvara
Sankara was an proponent on the difference between jiva and isvara
The cause of the jiva’s ignorance
In ignorance, the soul suffers repeated birth and death
Attaining Krsna’s lotus feet is liberation from all material suffering
The siddhanta of the Visisthadvaita -vada
The Siddhanta of Dvaitadvaita-vada on the subject of the jiva
The siddhanta of Suddhadvaita-vada
A liberated soul attains a perfect spiritual body in the service of Krsna
Suddhadvaita-vada on the distinct position of the eternally liberated souls
One who equates the jiva with the Supreme Lord is an atheist
The Principle of Inconceivable Oneness and Difference
The sruti on the subjects of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
Srimad-Bhagavatam on acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
Smrti on acintya-bhedabheda-tattva
The Brahma-sutras support the view of sakti-parinamavada
The meaning of parinama-vada and vivarta-vada
The Methodological Principle
Sreyas and preyas
The purpose of human life
Three different paths-karma, jnana, and bhakti
who qualifies for karma, jnana, or bhakti
To be fixed in that for which one is qualified is a good quality
Even sages and demigods are bewildered trying to understand the Vedas
The Vaisnava guru never encourages karma
Karma-yoga does not give freedom from the fear of birth and death
Bhagavatam derides karma and jnana
Materialistic karmic activities are condemned
The path of karma is condemned in the Vedas
Without worshipping Visnu, worship of demigods is improper
Impersonalism is condemn the ascending path of knowledge
Destinations of followers of the ascending and descending path
Education, austerity, work, knowledge, etc. doesn’t enable one to see God
The Vedas on the ascending path of impersonal knowledge
Bhakti is superior to karma and jnana
The eightfold Yoga system does not lead to the highest goal
Mind control through pranayama is impossible
Yoga and pranayam are a waste of time
Who is a real yogi and sannyasi
Without bhakti there is no means to attain the Supreme
Pure devotion is the only means to attain Krsna
The goal of bhakti and the goal of karma and jnana are not the same
The character of bhakti
The Principle of Devotional Practice
Jnana-misra-bhakti-Devotion mixed with knowledge
Karma-misra-bhakti-Devotion mixed with karma
The definition of bhakti
The srutis glorify bhakti
Two kinds of bhakti -vaidhi and raganuga
The nine limbs of bhakti
Sravana and smarana are best
The gradation of what is obtained by sravana
The glories of sravana
The meaning of the world kirtana
The material senses can’t appreciate the transcendental nature of Krsna
The glories of Krsna-kirtana
Kirtana describing the Lord’s qualities is the aim of all knowledge
The glories of the qualities of the Supreme Lord
Nama-kirtna is the only way in Kali-yuga
The harinama verse explained
The result of remembering material subjects verses remembering Krsna
The result of remembering Krsna
Kirtana is better than sravana and smarana
The result of Pada-sevana
The glories of vandana
The different branches of dasyam
The prayer of the servant of the Lord
The definition of sakhyam
Two divisions of sakhya-based on faith and on friendly affection
Generic sakhyam, based on faith
Sakhyam based on intimate feelings of friendly affection
Generic sakhyam, based on faith
Sakhyam based on atma-nivedanam
Duties and religious principles (dharma) favorable to bhakti
Detachment is favorable for bhakti
Grhastha conduct is favorable for bhakti
Fasting on Ekadasi is favorable for bhakti
What destroys bhakti
A Vaisnava’s remnants have the power to bestow prema
The glories of maha-prasada
Attachment to wife and home is antagonistic to developing bhakti
Thing unfavorable to devotional service
Bad association destroys bhakti
Prohibition and strictures regarding behavior that destroys bhakti
Renouncing bad association
Avoid attachment to accepting too many disciples and overendeavoring
Remaining undisturbed by material misfortunes
Avoiding lamentation
Prohibitions on worshipping other gods
On should avoid giving pain to other living beings
Bhakti is superior to false renunciation
Things opposed or bhakti reside in five places
The different kinds of bad association that destroy bhakti
Association with women destroy bhakti
Remembrance of sexual pleasure condemned
The power of a woman to attract the mind
One should completely give up all association with women
Grhamedhi-dharma condemned
Tamasic and rajasic foods are antagonistic to bhakti
Meat-eating destroy bhakti
The senses are like wines, and the tongue is the most powerful
Misconceptions to be avoided in sadhana-bhakti
To view devotees externally is antagonistic to bhakti
Conception of good and bad are antagonistic to bhakti
Materialistic persons and their treading of Bhagavatam are condemned
Fake, show-bottle, and professional Bhagavatam reciter
Attempts as liberation will not lead to bhakti
Desires for enjoyment and liberation destroy bhakti
The senses are useless if not lead to bhakti
Without the mercy of Gauranga it is impossible to control the senses or practice bhakti
The six kinds of saranagati
The value of association with a pure devotee
The sruti state that association with saints as the only thing worth doing
Sadhu-sanga is the only way
Those who have few pious credits miss the association of great souls
A devotee has all good qualities; a non-devotee has none
From sadhu-sanga comes faith, devotional attachment, and prema-bhakti
With humility and hankering for Krsna, a devotee prays as follows
The Principle of Social Order
Two kinds of varnasrama-divine and demonic
Divine varnasrama
The demoniac social system
The character of the followers of demonic society
The future life of the followers of demonic society
The future life of the followers of demonic society
The birth, family, and knowledge of demonic society are useless
The characteristics of each varna
Bhagavad-gita on varnasrama
Qualities of brahmanas
Qualities of ksatriyas
Qualities of vaisyas and sudras
The division of varna and asrama according to guna and karma
Evidence from Srimad-Bhagavad about the divisions of varnasrama
In satya-yuga, there was only one varna; paramahamsa
Division occur owing to guna and karma
The position of varna-dharma in Kali-yuga`
Brahmanas in kali-yuga are brahmanas in name only
The evidence from Caitanya-bhagavata
The smrti on how the Brahmana caste was debased
The opinion of the truth-loving Vedic Rsis
The sruti, smrti, Puranas, and Itihasas on Brahmana-karma
Evidence from the Mahabharata
Evidence from the Srimad Bhagavatam
The ancient commentator, Nilakantha, on the conduct of brahmanas
Srimad Svami’s opinion
Mahaprabhu’s definitions of what is and isn’t brahmana
The evidence of the Smrti
The verdict of the Mahabharata on the occupation of brahmanas
The smrti on the occupational behavior of brahmanas
An example of the conduct of a brahmana
The evidence of Vedanta-Surta and the example of Citraratha
Madhavacarya’s commentry, quoting from Padma-Purana
Members of other castes who became brahmanas
Examples from Bhagavatam on birth as a brahmana
The opinion of Lord Brahminical conduct
The seminal brahmanas of kali-yuga are impure
What is diksa
Diksa can make a common man a brahmana
The guru initiates the humble disciple
The evidence of Mahabharata
The conclusion of the Gosvamis
Three kinds of birth-seminal, brahminical, and mantra-diksa
Sridhara Svami’s remarks on the three kinds of birth
Who has done the forty-eight kinds of samskaras is a brahmana
The one branch and the many branches
Vaisnavas are not sudras
Except for paramahamsas, devotees accept the sacred thread
Those who are brahmanas in name are conceited and proud
Real brahmanas
Giving the sacred thread to those not on the Vedic path is forbidden
The consequences for the brahmanas in name only
Students and practitioners of professional brahminism are condemned
Demigod worship and other unbrahminical activities
Demigod worship by brahmanas is condemned
Demigod whorship is damned
Spiritual brahmanism
Who is a Brahmana
A Vaisnava is the best of all and the guru of everyone
A Vaisnava from a candala family is worshipable by brahmanas
Vaisnava are infallible
Differences between low-born devotees and expert brahmanas
Benefits of taking the holy name of Krsna
Advaita Prabhu instructs that a Vaisnava is guru of the brahmana
A Vaisnava is the guru for millions of brahmanas
The Principle of Asrama-Dharma
Every soul is in one of the four asrma
Definition of the four asramas
Rules for the different four asramas
Rules for brahmacaris
All asramas are meant for serving Hari alone
Scriptures make concessions for materialistic people
Grhasthas should not get bewildered by family life
A grhastha may live at home, in the forest, or on the road
The character of those too attached to family life
The destination of attached householders
Both men and women should avoid family attachment
Enjoyment of conjugal pleasures in household life is condemned
The purpose of household life
The unholy household
The duty of vanaprasthas
Homes are in different modes
Karma-sannyasa, jnana-sannyasa, and tridandi sannyasa
A dhira sannyasi
A narottama sannyasi
Prohibitions against karma-sannyasa in Kali-yuga
The meaning of the word tridandi
Rupa Gosvami’s definition of tridandi
Tridandi-sannyasa mentioned in the Vedas
Srimad-bhagavatam mention tridanda sannyasa
The tridandi attains perfection according to the Menu-samhita
The hundred and eight names of the tridandi sannyasi
A tridandi sannyasa is worshipable by all asramas
Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya’s examples
Impersonalist sannyasis are condemned
only unmotivated devotional service gives satisfaction to the soul
Fallen sannyasis are compared to vomit-eaters
Sannyasis should not become vanhtasis
Great souls are transcendental to all the asramas
The Vedic explanation of “paramahamsa”
The Supreme Lord is transcendental to all material considerations
Red cloth is in napropriatte for paramahmsas
Bhagavatam gives the characteristic behavior of a paramahamasa
The mentality of a paramahamsa
The proper funeral ceremony
Vaisnavas need not perform funeral rites or offer ablations to forefathers
Lord Caitanya’s internal reasons for performing the funeral ceremony
Vaisnavas must deceive the smartas for their own good
Funeral ceremony of the karmis is demonic
The behavior of Advaita Acarya
The characteristics of a staunch devotee
The Holy Name Principle
The Supreme Lord Krsna is the root of all religion
Krsna is the only way
Chanting the holy name of the Lord is the eternal dharma for all souls
The holy name is the essence of the srutis
The constitutional nature of the holy name
The Vedas sing the glories of the holy name
The glories of the holy name in the smrti-sastras
The holy name grants all perfection in Kali-yuga
Sridhara Svami on glories of the holy name
Rupa Goswami on the glories of the name
The efficacy of gayatri and the holy name
The glories of Hari-katha
The glories of the holy name surpass that of impersonal Brahman
Kirtana of the holy name is best of all
The holy name is not regulated by time, place and circumstance
The Bhagavatam on the subject of loud kirtana
Loud kirtana is the best
Loud kirtana benefits the chanter of the holy name and those who hear it
Mahaprabhu loudly chanted the holy name
The opinion of Baladeva on the form of the maha-mantra
Hare Krsna is the maha-mantra for the age of Kali
The Upanisads on the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
The Puranas on the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
Chanting the holy name qualifies one for deliverance
The holy name is chanted in the stage of practice and in perfection
Things unafavorable for nama-kirtana
The characteristics of the principal and secondary name
The secondary names and their symptoms
Fruits of the principal and secondary name of the Lord
The principle name
The fruit of offenselessly uttering the principle name
The principle result of chanting the holy name is Krsna-prema
Nama-kirtna fulfills all aspects of bhajana
The pure name arises within the asscociation of devotees
The holy name cannot be realized through the material sense
Determination for chanting the holy name
Kirtana gradually awakens the form, qualities, and pastimes of the Lord
The four kinds of namabhasa
The results of the pure holy name and namabhasa
The results of namabhasa and namaparadha
The proper mentality for chanting without offense
The ten offenses to the holy name
The principle offense to the holy name
Apardhis are punished forever
Six kinds of Aparadha
Aparadhis should have their tongues cut out
The great fault of hearing blasphemy of Vaisnavas
The way to overcome Aparadha
The second offense to the holy name
The third offense to the holy name
The fourth offense to the holy name
The fifth offense to the holy name
Other processes of purification are a waste of time
The sixth offense to the holy name
Auspicious activities other than pure chanting are useless
The seventh offense to the holy name
The eight offense to the holy name
The ninth offense to the holy name
The tenth offense to the holy name of Krsna
The real name of Krsna can never awaken in Mayavadis
One gain life by chanting the holy name of Krsna and dancing
The qualification of jagad-guru
The Principle of The Ultimate Goal
The definition of bhava
Mahaprabhu’s verse on bhava
The cause of bhava, transcendental emotion
Where the symptoms of bhava appear
The practical symptoms of bhava
Two kinds of raga-marga-the practitioner and the perfected soul
Prema develops into Sneha, raga, anuraga, bhava and mahabhava
One with eyes of prema can see the Supreme Person
The shelter of madhurya-rasa-bhakti
The direct and indirect tasting of rasa
The definition of rasa
The qualification for madhurya-rasa
The prohibition for those who are unqualified
The separation experienced in madhurya-rasa
Extreme separation
The prayer of one who aspires to worship Krsna in madhurya-rasa
Pramana-tattva 399
Subjects Index 401
Verse Index 435
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